Learn how to use your digital camera!


linky party

Did you get a cool new DSLR for Christmas but your not quite sure how to use it? Are you wondering what all those fancy buttons do? Are you intimidated by the manual? Here is a fun and easy way to learn how to use your new camera!

Click here to start today!

class ad online

Learn Photography this Summer!

Learn photography this Summer!

The school year is coming to an end, and we all want something fun to do this summer. So, I thought I would share my photography classes and eBook with you at a LOW LOW LOW end of school sale! This sale is only going to last until the end of May so act fast and get your online photography class and eBook now!

Photography Class for kids 7-11 (good for kids with a point and shoot digital camera)

To learn more about this class click here

Normally $35.00
Summer special $25.00




How to Shoot your Family and Friends… (online photography class for DSLR beginners of all ages)

To learn more about this class click here

Normally $55.00
Summer special $37.00



To learn more about this eBook click here

Normally $27.00
Summer Special $14.99

The Best Online Photography Workshop Ever!

I am proud to announce my new online photography workshop! I had a lot of fun making this and you will have a lot of fun taking this workshop!

If you ever wanted to learn what all those buttons on your camera do, or wanted to learn how to take better pictures of your son at his soccer game, or just wanted to get better at photography in general, then this the class is for you. It’s a six week online course with six assignments designed for you to go at your own pace. You will never be afraid of your DSLR or manual mode again!


To learn more about his class click here!

Since this class is so new and I am feeling very generous, I am offering this workshop at a very special, very low price! But this offer is only good for this week. So take advantage and sign up today and don’t miss out. Even if you can’t start this course for another month you can still get it today and start when you can. There’s no excuse!  Get it now and start taking fabulous photos!

My New eBook!

My beautiful long awaited eBook is finally here! I’ve worked long and hard on this baby!




Have you ever wanted to take outstanding photographs of your friends and loved ones but always thought digital photography was too complicated? Are there too many buttons on your camera that you don’t know what they do? This new ebook, “How to shoot your family and friends and get away with it.” Will help you to improve your photography. It simplifies all the technical mumbo jumbo and makes it easy to understand. This is a great book for beginners and amateurs young or old. It will show you how to blend the technical and creative side of photography in an easy and fun way. If you have ever wanted to take my workshop but didn’t have the time or money, this book is for you. It’s basically my workshop in eBook form.




Things that are included in this book:

1.   8 assignments to reinforce learning and to help get better acquainted with your camera.

2.     Lots of images and charts to help you visually understand each concept.

3. Lots of special hints and tips throughout the book.

4. A video clip demonstrating how to work with lighting will also be included with the eBook.

5. and much, much more.

This book is a must for anyone that wants to unleash their creative side. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get this fabulous eBook … Get it today!



An “On the GO Cheat Sheet” to help you remember all the tips you learn in the book while you are out and about. This is an image that you can download to your smart phone or print out and take with you, a $27 value.


Bonus 2

A Free Article “Buliding Self Esteem in Your Child with Photographs”.

How to Shoot Your Family & Friends and Get Away With It – my new eBook!

Finally,an eBook

that shows you how to use your

left and right brain

to combine the

technical and creative side

to digital photography.






Have you ever wanted to take outstanding photographs of your friends and loved ones but always thought digital photography was too complicated? Are there too many buttons on your camera that you don’t know what they do? This new ebook, “How to shoot your family and friends and get away with it.” Will help you to improve your photography. It simplifies all the technical mumbo jumbo and makes it easy to understand. This is a great book for beginners and amateurs young or old. It will show you how to blend the technical and creative side of photography in an easy and fun way. If you have ever wanted to take my workshop but didn’t have the time or money, this book is for you. It’s basically my workshop in eBook form.


 Things that are included in this book:


1.    10 assignments to reinforce learning and to help get better acquainted with your camera.


2.     Lots of images and charts to help you visually understand each concept.


3.    6 tips to help you become more creative


4.    and much, much more


This book is a must for anyone that wants to unleash their creative side. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get this fabulous eBook … Get it today!




Buy this eBook today and you will receive an a special report “Building Self-Esteem In Your Child with Photographs, a $27 value.


Bonus 2


A video clip demonstrating how to work with lighting will also be included with the eBook. 





Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: What kind of camera is best for this eBook?

A: Any digital point and shoot or digital SLR camera will work. Just remember that every camera is different so it’s nice to have your manual handy to refer back to if you need to.


Q: My child is very interested in photography. How old do you need to be to enjoy and understand this eBook?

A: This book is good for kids as young as 9 or 10. If they know how to switch the settings on the camera and upload photos to the computer they will be able to appreciate this book.


Q: Do you offer any additional workshops or classes?

A: Occasionally I will hold a workshop at my studio. But, I offer private classes on photography and Photoshop. Check my blog www.wendileephotobloggy.com or email me wendi@wendilee.com for more information.