2020 end of the year Art Show – Foundation Class

Another school year comes to and end and I am so proud of my students. I have enjoyed teaching them about the basic fundamentals of digital photography and seeing their creativity and growth. This is my Digital Photography Foundation class. They range between 6 years old to 13 years old. There were so many good ones it was hard to pick a winner. Good job everyone!



first place





KODAK Digital Still Camera

KODAK Digital Still Camera

honerable mention






Final project


























honerable mention





KODAK Digital Still Camera

KODAK Digital Still Camera

2020-05-08 end of the year project! 21556E44-FADB-4005-9CB0-C281C670DB43 20190421 174101 Animal Sanctuary 20200426_163820-1 20200426_191825 20200504_101751_HDR 20200506_092149 20200510_202412 20200511_135028-1 20200511_195114 1589228884.3992271 1589674154.719598 Bryce Tree C3E894A7-72B3-4B62-88D6-C4F2B0F224EF D0222FFC-3EB2-4B87-B467-267326D86D19 DSC00213 DSCF0074 DSCN3409 Final final photo - rosemary Final pic Final Picture first place IMG_0691 IMG_1155 IMG_1866 IMG_1877 IMG_1906 IMG_3876 IMG_3945 IMG_4459 IMG_4829 IMG_7594 IMG_8314 IMG_20200430_174348768 IMG_20200511_101835486 IMG_20200512_184605__01 IMG-4886 Missing Baseball

KODAK Digital Still Camera

KODAK Digital Still Camera

rocko-1 Snail THE BEST PICTURE EVER TOOKIN 69C87D4E-8C6E-4B9F-BFAB-F8920DD1D450 Ximena_Offcolor Dusk